Excess sex losses Tight Vagina (Must Read) - Welcome To Ringstechs

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Monday, June 6, 2016


Excess sex losses Tight Vagina (Must Read)

The vagina is a wonderful, magical, and mysterious place. There have been so many ample confusion surrounding the idea of “loose” and “tight” women, with virgins being tighter and promiscuous women being looser, which is not true. The misconception that once a vagina is stretched, it is stretched forever. The first thing to remember is that women, like men, come in different sizes. It’s important to understand that vaginal musculature is elastic, meaning it naturally contracts and resumes its normal size and shape, both after s3xual intercourse as well as childbirth. S ex doesn’t create a permanently loose vagina, the process of loosening for s ex and tightening back up afterward is the same for every woman.

Here are four main tales about the may experience performance anxiety, causing them not to properly lubricant and relax. This could make penetration seem tighter. 2. If you lose your virginity, your vagina is going to be permanently loosened: False again, virginity does not make you tighter than other women. So you can’t lose any tightness after having s ex for the first time. You may notice that you are more relaxed and create more natural lubricant, making s ex more pleasurable after the first time. But, you remain just as tight as you were for the first.
Having a lot of s3x will make it super loose: More s ex is actually better for the vagina. Specifically, more orgasms! When you engage in s ex the vaginal walls expand for penetration, and contract when you reach orgasm. This actually helps to strengthen the vagina and surrounding pelvic floor muscles.

Childbirth loosens the vagina even more and possibly forever after: This pregnancy misconception withholds a bit of truth, but only in certain circumstances.Women who give birth in their twenties and early thirties will experience their vagina tissues snap back into their pre-baby state within a few months. However, for women who have multiple births in a short period of time, they may experience a looseness problem. This is because as you are pregnant the vagina is stretched over a great deal of time. With multiple births this could be consistently stretched for years at a time.The

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