Does Your Relationship Sizzle - Welcome To Ringstechs


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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Does Your Relationship Sizzle

Do you feel that your relationship sizzles? If you do, that is wonderful! But if you and your partner love each other and feel that something is missing, then it is time to reclaim that sizzle!  You can replace the fizzle and find the sizzle by reigniting the spark in your relationship. Do you know how to reignite the spark?

Are you asking, “What should I do?”

For starters, go back to the feelings you had at the beginning, when you first met. Spend some time focusing on the feelings that you felt when you were in the dating stage of your relationship. Were you polite, attentive, considerate, and romantic?Do you feel you maintained the same level of being polite, attentive, considerate and romantic as the relationship progressed? Or have you started taking each other for granted as time passes?
It is easy to fall into a pattern of complacency and not try as hard to impress your partner. Unfortunately, that behavior will eventually take a toll on your relationship and it can feel stale and unexciting. Take some time this summer to reignite the spark and make your relationship sizzle!
There are many things you can do to spice things up romantically. You both will get the most out of the time if you are mindful of being present. Your focus should be on the activity and most importantly each other. Put down the smartphone so you can pay close attention and connect. Find something that you both enjoy. It could be something you used to do or something new. Make time to do it together.

Some ideas to help

  • Read a sexy book together
  • Listen to some music and slow dance
  • Hold hands as you walk along the beach
  • Talk about old television shows or movies
  • Get dressed up and go out to a new restaurant
  • Lie on a blanket in the backyard while gazing at the stars
  • Wake up in the morning and take a long drive to somewhere new
  • Look at old photo albums and reminisce about the history of your relationship
  • Write a love letter expressing how you feel about your partner and have your partner do the same
Go back to thinking creatively and romantically. Think about ways to create opportunities for fun. Make spending quality time and having fun with your partner a priority. It is crucial to care for your relationship. Get back that sizzle this summer and fall in love all over again.

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