Being in a Relationship with Flop Babes. - Welcome To Ringstechs


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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Being in a Relationship with Flop Babes.

Some of you don’t even fight for relationships anymore because you no the kind of bond that is holding both of you together. You quit soon as things get hard or when you have to put in some real work, when you get tired of the flops you decided to run away for your precious life asap.

Some of you would rather be with someone who always tells you what you want to hear, instead of being with someone who tells you what you need to hear so that it can help develop you into a better mate. some like the way your flops girl-friend dress and the way she kisses and talk to you on bed because its so romantic with the flop.

Just because a person loves you, that doesn’t mean that they have to protect your feelings by hiding their own. If you want to be in a relationship that will truly last, you will have to be strong enough to be with someone who has no problem with bringing your flaws, issues or concerns to the table. 

Some flops babes are so gymnastic  on bed even when you are working all day and get tired of work, they we like you to gym with them on bed, by bringing issues that we clash the relationship.

We get so offended by someone telling us the truth nowadays that,because telling the truth to some ignorant one we get you into trouble, we don’t even know how to go through life without living a lie. The person who loves you the most will not only be honest with you about your flaws but they will have the patience to work with you through them so that it doesn’t hinder the relationship that you both have in the long run.

Great relationships are not born overnight, they are developed over the course of time by doing hard work and staying truly committed to the goal which is keeping each other happy.

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