5 Things You Need To Known What Valentine Truly Mean - Welcome To Ringstechs


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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

5 Things You Need To Known What Valentine Truly Mean

Valentine is a day to express your feelings and love around, it is not just a day to fornicate, have sex with some one as so many populace think it should be. No you have been doing that everyday of your life give st' Valentine a special day, express the little thing you have show love to the less privilege or orphanage homes. Make it flexible and memorable day in your life, it should be unique day not just party for lost pleasures waste the cash in your hand.

Being in a  Relationship of prison 

Valentine is a day showing and expressing love not just to those you love alone or your bae, but also to the less privilege it is a day of showing the world what true love really means. It is not a day of fornication, fuck, adulterate day.  You need to express the inner love you have for someone these day not to use your mouth and say i love you.

#1. Valentine is also a day of expressing your love to your boyfriend or girlfriend. It is a day of happiness also a day of going out with your friends and family have fun, it is not just a day to to go out and catch the quite bae around the street or the party and have sex. Sex you normally do it everyday of your life give it a break. Take her out show her what true love really mean. Sexuality and its expression in marriages

#2. Valentine is also a day of showing love to people:  The best way to celebrate that love is to show love to the less privilege the helpless and the orphanage babies express love to them, visit the sick in hospital pray for them encourage them and share what you have with them.

#3.Valentine with married couples: the best way is to take her out in a nice and cool place, just the two of you without any obstruction by anyone. It should be  silent like grave yard. Tell her how special she is, how much you love her, express her beauty even if she is ugly, make her feel special that, kiss her interestingly make her feel happy and excited that she is a woman.

#4. Valentine day with your boyfriend or girlfriend: the way to celebrate val with both parties into a conical relationship with each other, forget about the fuck, the sex, and romance, take her to cool-side pet her with smile expression on your face, carry her on your back, dance with her take her to shopping more the best restaurant around the world buy her what she wishes, empty your bank account on that day? She will fill the account back. Make it a special day for her leave all quarrels give her all the time she needs. Written by Love Instructor see me on Facebook

#5. Valentine is the day of expressing how much you love someone: It is a day of touching someone's life positively it is also a day of exchanging precious gifts one important thing about valentine is that it should be done unconditionally it shouldn't be done selfishly or waywardly. 

Express your love to someone you truly love not just to lament and incessant from your tongue you love her or him. Shoe him/her the emotional feelings to each other what you felt for each other. I still remained Love Instructor

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